Title | Link |
Reverse an Array | whiteboard |
Insert value to Array | whiteboard |
Binary search | whiteboard |
LinkedList | LinkedList |
LinkedList insertions | LinkedList-insertions |
kth number from the end | LinkedList |
zip two linked lists | LinkedList-zip |
stacks and queues | stack-queue |
Pseudo queue | pseudo-queue |
Animal shelter | animal-shelter |
brackets validation | stack-queue-brackets |
Trees | BST |
Trees Max | MaxValue |
Trees Breadth First | breadthFirst |
Trees fizz-buzz | FizzBuzz |
sorting | InsertionSort |
sorting | MergeSort |
sorting | QuickSort |
hash Tables | hashTable |
hash Tables | repeatedWords |
hash Tables | treeIntersection |
hash Tables | leftJoin |
Graphs | graphs |
Graphs | breadthFirst |
Graphs | depthFirst |